Huwebes, Disyembre 6, 2018


Across the world there has been an imbalance between the roles of men and women in society. If we look back in the early civilization, women in particular had a difficult time being treated with the same admiration and entitlement as men. Only mean had the power to rule within a government and society, while women have been seen only as housewives. And this can be seen through many literary works of great authors such as history books.

But in our society today, the abuse against gender roles and gender equality became less an issue through the dedication of mistreated people to fight for their own rights as a fellow human beings. And because of it, there was a great impact affecting our modernized. Peace achieved and conflicts was avoided.But I guess, I can't really say that the rights if each human being is already equal nor uniform. Discrimination may still occur despite awful personalities still arise. And the impact of it can be severe. Opportunities may be wasted because of it. 

To sum up, we can say that gender roles  is a recurring issue but we can avoid this once again if we take an action immediately.

All wrapped up

"While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them" - Luke 2: 6-7

The most awaited season came once again to open our hearts. It is a season in whom we people celebrate the birth of Christ the king- saviour of mankind. The question that keeps popping out in my head really drives me that what does Christmas really mean to me? Although many people have almost forgotten what Christmas really means, yes there are still plenty of young people like me knows what Christmas really is.

Lets just say that Christmas is not just about marry-making nor rejoicing. It is more than that. For me, It is the time to reflect on what's truly important about life. Showing gratitude and compassion in reconnecting with our friends, family, and old acquaintances.
But sadly to say that children nowadays are not contended. Now children wants to have the latest video games, game gadgets, cellphones and high-tech toys. Compared in the past, children were contended when given some cash, fruits, candies, a new pair of shoes or new clothes.

But we cannot question them, we have a different take on what Christmas really is. If that's how they value Christmas then.

To sum up, Christmas is how you value humility. Jesus Christ chooses to be born in a manger, do he has the power to be born in a palace because he is the king of kings to realize to be humble always regardless of our position and our status in life.

Linggo, Disyembre 2, 2018

A Clay and a Pot maker

Marriage is something that is needed in order to start a family, but you cant achieved that unless you are ready to take full responsibility for having kids as parents. The nine-month pregnancy of a mother is no joke. Struggles like physical,mental, and financial trials are experienced. And it requires mutual patience and the presence of persistence.

As parents, a mother as well as father should be responsible enough for the proper care of their child in good or even in worst moments. Because a child is easily influenced by the act on how they were treated by their parents resulting social insecurities.If a child is disciplined,he or she will be inspired and become a noble person, a model, and a good example to others. That can only be mean that the role of responsible parenting plays an important role- resulting a huge impact as a human being. 

Nowadays, many young people become victims of various forms of violence in our society. According to data from the year 2016 National Baseline Study on Violence against Children created by the Council for the Welfare of Children, the United Nations Children's Fund and with other government agencies and civil society organizations, three of the five Filipino youths are experiencing violence an over half of them experience in their own homes. So we cant deny the fact that not all children are in good conditions.

But in this very moment,  the National Children's Month once again to take an action with the theme "ISULONG: tamang pag-aaruga para sa lahat ng bata" reminding us that we should take care the world's precious resource- Our children, the future of each nation.

Biyernes, Nobyembre 23, 2018

Life with Gadgets

Technology has opened up a whole new world to express and create. There is no escaping the fact that technology(gadgets) has impacted almost every aspect of family life and the way in which families communicate. From texting facebook to skype, it is possible to be in touch with anyone at anytime despite hectic schedules that involve, work, errands, and extra-curricular activity.

According to research, a poll which is conducted in 2012 by AARP and microsoft showed  that 83 percent of families considered technology "helpful" in increasing the quality and frequency of communication among its members. For more above reasons, Technology is not just helping families build relationship-its helping to maintain them as well. That's the feeling of living in a modernized world, living our modern life with technologies.

Parents and kids can now easily check in with each other throughout the day. And for that Parents can also have a peace of mind knowing where their kids are at all times, and they can reach them quickly in the even of an emergency. So we can't thank enough getting use of the existence of these gadgets. Furthermore we cant imagine life without it.

Martes, Nobyembre 20, 2018

To Read is to Lead

Reading is always been crucial specially  when we are striving to reach our dreams. With the purpose to help the reader to direct information towards a goal and focuses their attention. We were taught bu our teachers to read, and as we dive deep we learn and discover new things.

The National Reading Month, as lead by the department of Education once again to take an action to promote the love for reading and its importance to the lifelong process of learning among Filipino learners. It is an annual nationwide celebration in every month of November. In every schools, the National Reading Month is commonly celebrated with various activities that entail in reading skills, communications, and other student competitions similar to the given example connected to education.

The Official theme for the 2018 National Reading Month Celebration has been officially released by the Philippine Department of Education which is "Pagbasa:Susi sa Magandang Kinabukasan" means that we should read more to have a brighter future. It served as a reminder for us to know the true value of reading which is a platform to travel the world, to explore all the aspects o
f the society.

Sabado, Oktubre 20, 2018

Epilogue-2nd Quarter

In the first two and a half months of learning with Ma'am Vera Cruz, I learned a lot of things that are  new with me. Especially the parts wherein we made some activities using a notepad or what you call tags. Of course, my writing skills were  enhanced through the activity given by our dear teacher. I managed to create effective tagging and because of that my self-confidence was boosted. 

 Yes, there are a lot of problems I encountered in the following months. Specifically in creating the given activities.  I didn't know what to do. But when Ma'am Vera Cruz taught us, we were able to master it . But our main problem is time management just like the first quarter. There are a lot of requirements, in different subjects with the same deadlines. Of course it's hard thinking that how can you settle these things in a rattled state ? but luckily we managed to passed it on time.

Therefore, the second grading period was more challenging and fun than the last quarter. I was given a chance to improve myself more and more greater. Moving on, I will share my ideas and knowledge what I absorbed  in the class.

Together we stand

We know that Poverty is the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. Poverty is said to exist when people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs.
We already noticed that Poverty seems to spread in rapid state throughout every nation,and for that reason UN make its move to fight Poverty in all its dimensions.

And this years UN theme is '' Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect for human rights and dignity". Based on what I understand, the theme itself encourages us to work together as a family not just to fight discrimination but to respect each others right as a human being.
Since Poverty is one of the main problem in our society. We cannot end this unless we will put our words into actions. Just remember that one simple way can result a big impact.We don't need any money, simple cooperation can end it all.

Teacher's Day

 Not all heroes wear capes,some are just in a room standing in front of variety of students guiding them to step, towards in this big bad world.Yes,those heroes are our Teachers and I wish all teachers today enjoys the World Teacher's Day celebration and hope that whatever challenges they may face,they can overcome it without a doubt.And now, We can say that Every year on World Teacher's Day, we take a special time-out to recognize the contribution and sacrifices of our dear Teachers. Believe it or not they became a part of our lives considering them as our second parents.

We tend to respect our Teachers after our parents because the greatest lessons are learnt in the classroom. Even though many times we feel that they are just nothing to us but the truth is Teachers are one of the greatest people whom you can cross in your journey.
For all these reasons,World teachers day is a wonderful opportunity for the whole community to acknowledge the critical role who educate, nurturing and protecting the world's precious resource-us.
And through all that there are not enough words to describe how lucky the world is with a teacher that is a fully fledged person.


Wave front: Accentuating Potentials,Activating Technological Advancements is the theme of the National Science Club Month this 2018. According to the National Science Club Month, Science month is being commemorated to give importance about the great things given to us by Science and Technology.

We all know that Organization like this one is mainly made to help the environment. Almost every school around the globe. We might even say that "why would school conduct various activities? I'ts just simple, they conduct various activities to help the students enhance their talents and abilities.
According to research, the theme aims to focus or give importance to Michael Faraday's discovery of electricity and magnetism as part of the same phenomenon, which is now the cover stone of human technology advancements that brought significant changes in the world until today,and even the upcoming changes in the future.

Does Science really changed the world? Yes, it's a big big yes. The world has changed for good. New inventions and discovery are introduced time to time and these new inventions and discovery became crucial to have a convenient life for human beings. Let's just imagine life without Science. It's hard right? life would be meaningless without it because Science brought a great impact since the day of progression.

Sabado, Agosto 18, 2018

Smiles behind their Sufferings

Resilience is an ability to coup up with adversities. It is a way to heal a traumatic incident encountered by individuals that gave them an overwhelming fear. Having it means you are capable of overcoming changes in a diversity. It can mean that resilience is an invisible shield made out of spirit. A spirit to face life's hardships with boldness and courage.

Since Philippines is known for being a disaster prone country, The people living within it is known for being resilient. They are tested by countless calamities like volcanic eruptions, devastating earthquakes, and typhoons. Not just that, they are also surmounted these ordeals and pains like lost of innocent children and the spreading of crisis. But Filipinos never thought of giving up by these problems for it is unavoidable. They continued to live to withstand the flow of these challenges even if they are daunted by horrible scenes because Filipinos are strengthened by their unwavering faith in God.

Being resilient is not only about being strong, but it is also based on how you treat people. We can see resilience everywhere and we think about it everyday. It is being optimistic all time in the hour of darkness. I believe that Filipinos may stumble and fall but through the what you called "bayanihan" they will bounce back with their own might. The greatest resilience is life,it will give you a path through the greatest hardship. That's why you should practice being fearless and tough by finding a way to make the impossible things to possible things.

Lunes, Agosto 13, 2018

Epilogue on First Quarter

In the first two and a half months of learning with Ma'am Vera Cruz, I learned a lot of things that are not familiar with me. Especially the parts wherein the famous people's contribution in the creation of internet and blogging. Of course, my writing skills were  enhanced through the activity given by our dear teacher. I managed to create articles because of blogging and my self-confidence was boosted. And now I can voluntarily share my thoughts and opinions through commenting their works.

 Yes, there are a lot of problems I encountered in the following months. Specifically in creating the first task. I was nervous before, I can't control my emotions. I didn't know what to do. But when Ma'am Vera Cruz taught us , I was able to do some drafts by my own self. As time passes by we were able to master blogging. But our main problem is time management. There are a lot of requirements, in different subjects with the same deadlines. Of course it's hard but we managed to passed it on time. 

Therefore, the first grading period was challenging and fun. I was given a chance to improve myself more and more great. Moving on, I will share my ideas and knowledge what I absorbed  in the class.

Sabado, Agosto 11, 2018

Scavenger hunt 2

             Search the Internet for the following facts and information. Write your answers in the table below.
1.             What is the context of "embedded journalist"? When was it first used? Who created the term?
2.              _______________ is the only pope honored by Turkey a Muslim nation. His statue stands at center of a city square of ______________.
3.             Who designed the tallest building in Hong Kong?
4.             In September 11, 2001, two commercial airplanes commandeered by terrorist crashed and destroyed the World Trade Center in New York. Is this the first time that an airplane crashed into a skyscraper in New York?
5.             __________ is the tallest building in the world. It is located in ____________. The construction started in ________ and was finished_________.
6.             What is the meaning of tundra? Why is the Bush administration so interested with exploring and exploiting the tundra?
7.             Draw in a diagram form the metamorphosis of an "urban legend"

Search Engine
Search Technique

Embedded journalism refers to news reporters being attached to military units involved in armed conflicts. While the term could be applied to many historical interactions between journalists and military personnel, it first came to be used in the media coverage of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.



Pope Benedict XV's statue stands in the courtyard of St Esprit Cathedral, Instanbul Turkey.



Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) is an American architecture firm which provides architecture, interior, programming and master planning services for clients in both the public and private sectors.



No. The first one is the Empire State Building.



the Burj Khalifa has been   the tallest structure in the world since its topping out in late 2008. Construction of the Burj Khalifa began in 2004, with the exterior completed five years later in 2009.



Tundra is a level or rolling treeless plain that is characteristic of arctic and subarctic regions, consists of black mucky soil with a permanently frozen subsoil, and has a dominant vegetation of mosses, lichens, herbs, and dwarf shrubs.



Martes, Agosto 7, 2018

Scavenger Hunt 1

Search the Internet and supply the following facts and information
. Write your answers in the table below

VALUE: Sources/Author/Date Published/Sponsor/Copyright
Search Engine
Search Technique

1. Sometime in 1991, a chief scientist at the NIIT, named, started an experiment hole in a wall.
Sugata Mitra

Kalkaji, New Delhi, India

© Hole-in-the-Wall Education Limited 2015



2. What does NIIT stands for?

National Institue of information Technology

The Acronym Finder is © 1988-2018



3. It was implemented at a slum area in New Delhi.

Kalkaji, New Delhi


Hole in the wall education Ltd.



4. His team carved a hole in the wall that separated NIIT campuses from slum areas. Why did they carve hole in the wall?

Dr. Mitra's team carved a "hole in the wall" that separated the NIIT premises from the adjoining slum. The central idea behind Hole-in-the-Wall is that groups of children learn on their own without any direct intervention.

Kalkaji, New Delhi, India

©Hole-in-the-Wall Education Limited 2015



5. What was the significant finding of the experiment?

The results, which have been uniformly encouraging, show that children learn to operate as well as play with the computer with minimum intervention. They picked up skills and tasks by constructing their own learning environment


©Hole-in-the-Wall Education Limited 2015



6. What could be the implications of this finding to existing teaching practices especially those that are related with the use of ICT in learning?

An effective assessment task is one which assesses students' attainment of the learning outcomes. Unit learning outcomes are what students are expected to know, understand or be able to do in order to be successful in a unit.


Macquarie University

