Huwebes, Disyembre 6, 2018

All wrapped up

"While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them" - Luke 2: 6-7

The most awaited season came once again to open our hearts. It is a season in whom we people celebrate the birth of Christ the king- saviour of mankind. The question that keeps popping out in my head really drives me that what does Christmas really mean to me? Although many people have almost forgotten what Christmas really means, yes there are still plenty of young people like me knows what Christmas really is.

Lets just say that Christmas is not just about marry-making nor rejoicing. It is more than that. For me, It is the time to reflect on what's truly important about life. Showing gratitude and compassion in reconnecting with our friends, family, and old acquaintances.
But sadly to say that children nowadays are not contended. Now children wants to have the latest video games, game gadgets, cellphones and high-tech toys. Compared in the past, children were contended when given some cash, fruits, candies, a new pair of shoes or new clothes.

But we cannot question them, we have a different take on what Christmas really is. If that's how they value Christmas then.

To sum up, Christmas is how you value humility. Jesus Christ chooses to be born in a manger, do he has the power to be born in a palace because he is the king of kings to realize to be humble always regardless of our position and our status in life.

3 komento:

  1. I totally agree it's not the status of your well being it's about celebrating with the people that is dear to our hearts

  2. We can become a king if we try, we don't need luxurious things to be one it can't help you on your way. But what we need is what we have today, it doesn't matter what those are, as long as you value them, they are important. If Christmas is about valuing Humility, then everyday we should always be humble, but not too humble right Ephraim? Nice Article btw.

  3. Christmas must be felt everyday. Because that's the way it should be. Lets appreciate the effort and lets pay our debpts (lives) to the sufferings and sacrifices of Jesus Christ.
