Miyerkules, Hulyo 25, 2018

''Let planting be a lifestyle''

Every Month of July, Nutrition Month is commemorated nationwide. The main focused of this campaign is to bring awareness about the importance of healthy living. Nutrition Month is a nutrition education that teaches us how to achieve good health and good nutrition. Because a person who possessed a good heath can work well and leaves nothing  undone.We celebrate again this years Nutrition Month Celebration with the theme "Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanhin". The theme itself encourages us to produce more fruits and vegetables as we live throughout our very last breath.

Since the Nutrition Month is up to date, here's what I can say in the theme. This is significant because the theme emphasized that each student like me assesses the importance of planting and adequate nutrition in the body. Each individuals should never underestimate the power of planting because we can't live without it. It can  save your money from not buying other producers and you can consume a fresh crops made by your own hands.

Planting seems very easy but those who manipulates gadgets is a different story. We should take a good look to our surroundings,manufactured foods scattered everywhere. We should understand that we can't live just eating processed foods.So how can we achieved healthy living if we are chained with those things?Having a good health is a priceless blessing in life. We must know the significance of it. We must live with a healthy lifestyle because health is wealth.

11 komento:

  1. we should understand that we can't live just eating meats and process food

  2. ohhhhhh we need to learn further

  3. how to understand how to maintain a better life from environment

  4. Naalis ng may-ari ang komentong ito.

  5. "Last Breath" Ultimate of Yasuo XD

  6. stop bullying because its healthy. WE are the people who live in this nation. Nang isinilang ka sa mundong ito, ikaw ay isinilang. Ang kamay nila ay iyong kamay. Ang nanay at tatay mo, sila ang mga magulang mo.

  7. The introduction is clear and appropriate. Nice work!

  8. wowwwww. great work. you can be a journalist someday. god bless :---)))
