Lunes, Hulyo 30, 2018

"Impressions for SONA 2018"

President. Rodrigo Duterte formulated again to deliver his third State of the Nation Address. It's a speech which is often broadcast in every month of July. A speech that serve as a mere instrument to President to summarize the plans and accomplishments to the nation until the end of their term. SONA, which is the most awaited event in a country because the words that composed its speech informs the present condition of a diversity.According to Wikipedia, SONA is the only formal way to inform the educated people about the innovation that the country has undergone during the current management.It's a time to time speech that we hear. All aspects of governance is being dealt in here.

During the speech of the iron-fist President,He said that his concern is more on human lives not on human rights. This is just a part of his speech but the eyes of every individuals was opened.

The words coming from the mouth of our President came as a bombshell to us. All of his plans for the future was said not the present. But reactions can be tolerated. Many was enlightened and many was not. Some reacts positively and some reacts negatively. We are people, judging is our nature. Yet it's not easy to lead a country to be a President of it and especially to solve all the hindrance that we're facing right now. We must appreciate the greatness of our President, what he is doing right now is not just for the sake of the country but for the sake of the people who are living in it as well.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 25, 2018

''Let planting be a lifestyle''

Every Month of July, Nutrition Month is commemorated nationwide. The main focused of this campaign is to bring awareness about the importance of healthy living. Nutrition Month is a nutrition education that teaches us how to achieve good health and good nutrition. Because a person who possessed a good heath can work well and leaves nothing  undone.We celebrate again this years Nutrition Month Celebration with the theme "Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanhin". The theme itself encourages us to produce more fruits and vegetables as we live throughout our very last breath.

Since the Nutrition Month is up to date, here's what I can say in the theme. This is significant because the theme emphasized that each student like me assesses the importance of planting and adequate nutrition in the body. Each individuals should never underestimate the power of planting because we can't live without it. It can  save your money from not buying other producers and you can consume a fresh crops made by your own hands.

Planting seems very easy but those who manipulates gadgets is a different story. We should take a good look to our surroundings,manufactured foods scattered everywhere. We should understand that we can't live just eating processed foods.So how can we achieved healthy living if we are chained with those things?Having a good health is a priceless blessing in life. We must know the significance of it. We must live with a healthy lifestyle because health is wealth.

Martes, Hulyo 10, 2018


July 10, 2018
President Rodrigo Duterte
President of the Philippines
MalacaƱang Palace Manila

Dear Mr. President,
                   Being a President of our country must be onerous and tough for you Sir. You've won because you possessed that will to truly change the Philippines. You hold the lives of many people in your hands and you are to blame if you wont do your duty well. I know that, inheriting the title President is no joke. People trusted you for a reason that's why you received an overwhelming votes for your leadership. I hope that this letter finds you in an excellent plate of health and spirit as the country needs the leadership that only its President can provide. I appreciate your achievements in your few years of servings. Example of which is salary increase to policemen, combat for drug abuse, income tax exemption for low wage earners.

                   I expect to continually work for other platform you've promised like shifting to federalism, more jobs, phase out contractualization, death penalty to heinous crimes and hopefully increase for the salary of teacher for they are the one molding the young minds like me.

                   I believe in your saying that "a leader must be a terror to the few who are evil in order to protect the lives and well-being of the many who are good''. You are definitely better than the previous Philippine President excluding the late President Ferdinand Marcos.

Sincerely Yours,
Ephraim Jasper R. Alcausin

Miyerkules, Hulyo 4, 2018

"How Great to Celebrate Independence Day"

Independence Day, one of the most memorable and significant day in the Philippines history. This is the day when our Seniors gained freedom by the people who tried to conquer the Philippines. Freedom, simple word but yet important. As they say, without freedom life would be meaningless.
So what is the reason why Filipino celebrate Independence day?

We celebrate Independence day to give acknowledgement for those who risked their life for the sake of our nation. During the invasion, our nation is just like a bird in a cage. Many Filipinos suffered by the bandage of slavery. But our heroic Citizen fought with their life on the line. Blood and sweat dripping for the title of freedom. Many lives was taken out but it's worthy enough to save our nation.

Until now we're still celebrating this day. As a fellow millennial we must offer our thanks to our fellow Filipino Youth. Without them we must be suffering until now. Independence day, the day when we become independent. To give appreciation we must become a good citizen for their own will because this is all we can do to respect their greatness.